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A New Vision for Improving Fleet & Driver Productivity 3 years ago

GPSLive has a new vision for improving fleet productivity with the use of the latest technology, to make the lifes of fleet managers easier.

GPSLive allow managers to ;

-optimize routes and reduce fuel costs, -improve routing and driver performance, -reduce cargo delivery times -gain complete visibility into the location of vehicles, -and eliminate idling completely,

Making the management of a fleet business an easy task.

A New Vision for Improving Fleet & Driver Productivity

How to Protect Your Vehicle With Insurance Trackers 4 years ago

Experienced car owners, especially those with high-value vehicles, might already know the Thatcham name and what it means in the world of GPS trackers. The most popular and highly regarded type of insurance approved trackers are the ones that are certified by Thatcham, the industry leader when it comes to the testing and certification of vehicle trackers.

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Thatcham has been testing and approving after-market security systems since 1992 and is the leading authority on security products and systems for the automotive industry. Thatcham-approved vehicle tracking systems are rigorously tested to predefined criteria established by Thatcham. By using a Thatcham Approved Insurance Tracker on your vehicle, you can be sure that you’re using a car tracking system that won’t let you down.

How To Work Smarter With GPS Tracking 6 years ago

In the age of computers, mobile devices and apps, it’s time for all businesses to adopt the latest GPS technology to locate their drivers in real-time, lower fuel costs, manage driver behavior, ensure on-time deliveries and to improve the security of vehicle fleets. GPS Tracking will bring your business one step ahead of your competitors.

How to Provide Lone Workers Additional Safety 6 years ago

Lone workers are more prone to accidents due to their line of work and these accidents can have devastating consequences if not responded in a timely manner. Lone workers are employees who work by themselves or without direct supervision. First order of business to provide safety for lone workers is to promote a safety policy among your workforce. Informed and trained personnel is less likely to be involved in an accident and they know what to do in an emergency situation.

According to law, employers have a responsibility to provide a safe working environment for their workforce. A thorough inspection of safety hazards is important for the job sites to place the necessary safety measures in place. The main focus of an employer should be preventing an accident from occurring and the advanced location and communication systems should follow. With an effective safety policy, lone workers will know what they are up against and how to deal with them.

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Lone worker APPs are excellent to locate, protect and send help to employees in need. With sophisticated features such as real-time tracking, timed sessions, SOS alarm and Man Down; field supervisors and company owners can breathe easy knowing what their workforce is up to at all times. Timed sessions, as the name implies, are used to create a time period for a work order to keep track of a lone worker. If the employee doesn't respond or reset the timer in time, it may be an emergency situation. Field supervisors can contact the worker and see if they need aid. SOS alarm is a button for emergencies only, lone workers can find themselves in an unsavory situation and require immediate help. In such cases, they can use the SOS alarm to notify their supervisors and get help. Man Down is a great example of advanced tech that can be used to protect your workforce. By using the sensors, Lone Worker APP can detect sudden changes in height and falls. If the lone worker can't get back up in a certain amount of time, the APP sends an alert to the manager.

Lone workers are in constant danger of being involved in an accident but that doesn't mean they have to get injured just because of their chosen profession. With proper safety measures, you can ensure the well-being of your workforce and know where they are at all times. Lone Worker APPs are a necessity for companies who manage lone workers and they can prevent bad situations from getting worse.

How to Improve Vehicle Security 6 years ago

As the United Kingdom’s population grows, there has been an overall increase in crime from petty theft to carjacking. While you drive home from a pub or a restaurant, you can suddenly find yourself to be the target of a robbery or threatened to relinquish your vehicle. You can be held at a gunpoint by someone you thought to be a harmless stranger or you may not even be there when the actual crime happens and that is exactly the case for most of the vehicular crime. We tend to think cars are safe once we park them, activate the alarm or attach a steering lock and leave them to go about our business. The situation is even worse for company vehicles since they are rarely ever used outside of work. Car thieves always look for an opening; an opportunity to make their move and by leaving our vehicles with inadequate security, we provide them with more than enough time to use their skill set.

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Stealing the contents of a vehicle is just as common as car thefts in the UK. That is precisely why owners need to make sure that their vehicles are not easy targets. Today, almost all of the newly manufactured cars come equipped with a built-in car alarm but veteran criminals have already figured out multiple ways to disable these alarm systems long ago. Vehicles are a costly investment for anyone whether you are a breadwinner or the owner of a fleet of vehicles, for this reason, car owners are increasingly looking to upgrade their existing security systems and install new systems for better protection. Criminals aren’t the only ones benefiting from technology in their activities; as a direct result of the rise of auto thefts, there have been massive developments to help car owners to protect their valuable investment.

Vehicle tracking devices are the ultimate security system when it comes to protecting a car. No matter how adept or experienced a thief is, they can never locate or disable a well-placed GPS tracking device. In the end, even if they manage to get away with your vehicle, you can locate it in a matter of minutes and alert the local law enforcement officers for a quick recovery. Vehicle tracking systems pay for themselves in the long run with the peace of mind and enhanced security they provide.

The Impact of Personal Locators for Elderly Citizens with Alzheimer’s and Dementia 7 years ago

Families and caretakers of elder citizens with conditions like Alzheimer’s are faced with a question every day: “Will they wander off on their own today?” It is terrifying for both parties knowing that an older person out there all alone. Having a relative with Alzheimer’s or dementia is an upsetting situation. Having people we love and respect lose their sense of freedom, independence and even the ability to recognize their surroundings is heartbreaking. But family members have a responsibility to take care of them and protect them. People don’t always have time to watch over the elderly and keep them out of harm’s way. But in today’s world, they don’t have to, with the GPS tracking technology, anyone can ensure the safety of a loved one with a personal locator. Personal tracking systems have evolved to become reliable and affordable over the years. With precise location tracking, elders with conditions like Alzheimer’s and dementia are now safer than ever.

Personal trackers are small tracking devices which makes them ideal to be carried on person. They can be placed in a backpack or a pocket easily. Most personal tracking devices have a panic button and can detect a fall with their sensors. These gadgets are perfect to keep an eye on senior citizens and prevent them from being injured or worse.

Elderly trackers are also equipped with various features such as real-time tracking, geo-fence zones and alerts to improve the wearer’s safety. Family members can locate their loved one with the help of tracking software anywhere whenever they want. GPS tracking APP allows the users to make use of the tracking device’s features from any mobile device. Let’s look at some of the features in detail as to how they can help the families all around.

Real-Time Tracking

People suffering from conditions like Alzheimer’s and dementia are susceptible to go missing or wander off on their own anytime. It only takes a few seconds for a person to disappear from eyesight. Sadly it happens quite often with people in the later stages of Alzheimer’s and dementia and without proper precautions, the person might get hurt or worse. Family members and caretakers can locate the tracking device in a matter of seconds in real-time with this feature. Thanks to the advanced technology of GPS geolocation, the person’s location can be tracked within a margin error of only a few meters. After locating the individual, local law enforcement agencies and medical aid can be informed to rush to the aid of the person and prevent a disaster. The longer the elder citizens are out there all alone by themselves, the higher the chance of something happening to them. Real-time location can be a lifesaver on more than one occasions.

Geo-fence Zone

After a certain age, elder people visit certain places frequently and spend their time in those locations. By using a smartphone or a computer, family members can create geo-fence zones around the places elder citizens often visit such as their house and set up alerts for entering and leaving the safe zones. By doing this, caretakers will know if they leave one of the pre-set zones untimely and take necessary action.


Personal tracking devices offer the option to set alerts and notifications for various actions. In the event of an emergency, SOS button can be configured to send an alert to all family members. The device will also send precise location data and time with an SMS or email to the contacts. As a result, authorities can be alerted to the person’s location and help them in case they are injured or lost. With an individual’s safety on the line, the alerts sent by the tracking device can make a big difference and avoid the person from getting hurt. There is nothing we wouldn’t do to protect our loved ones. If buying a GPS tracker ensures that an elderly with Alzheimer’s or dementia never goes missing or significantly lowers the chance of it happening, it is definitely worth it. By wearing a tracking device, elderly citizens can once again enjoy their freedom they dearly miss.

Motorcycle Accessories 7 years ago

Everyone likes that exhilarating feeling when they get on a motorcycle. The adrenaline and excitement caused by speed and danger, and of course the fear of imminent injury; all goes through your head while roaming the streets with your bike. Anyone who has ever taken a stroll on a motorbike knows how thrilling it can be. But as much fun as they are, motorcycle accidents are one of the main causes of injuries, even fatalities in traffic. Most motorcycle riders experience at least one serious injury during their adventures on their bikes. This is where the protective clothing and motorcycle accessories come in. Any experienced rider knows to wear protective gear specifically made for bike riders such as jackets, gloves, boots, pants and helmet. There are also devices like head cameras and GPS tracking devices.These devices will improve your overall experience and provide you with extra security. Rider jackets are generally made of leather or kevlar and including heavy padding on the shoulders, spine and elbow areas. Gloves are made of the same materials and most of them offer knuckle protection. Boots, on the other hand, are reinforced around ankle and toe areas. Other than helmets, none of these items is mandatory in any state of the USA or UK. But they are heavily recommended by the authorities.

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Helmet Helmets have evolved since they were just leather caps with the only purpose of covering your ears on the road. They have become increasingly sophisticated and protective over the years. It is by far the most important piece of gear considering motorcycle riders are at very high risk of accidents. The primary objective of a motorcycle helmet is to protect the rider’s head in the event of an accident, thus preventing head injuries and possibly saving the rider’s life. Some helmets also have additional features such as ventilation, face shields and ear protection. According to statistics, wearing a helmet reduces the risk of a head injury by over 65% and death by over 40%. There are two types of helmets that can be worn by bikers; full-face helmets and open-face helmets. Experts recommend using full-face helmets for all motorcycle riders for protection. Helmets also provide comfort, reduce wind noise, protect the wearer’s eyes and vision from windblast and flying debris. According to law, you are required to wear a safety helmet while riding a motorcycle on the road. Remember to wear your helmet all times.


Bags are another important accessory for bikers. Whether you are just commuting to work or a professional biker, you need to carry certain essential items with you. Selecting the appropriate bag for your biking experience is crucial for your comfort, convenience and safety. You should take certain factors into consideration before buying the bag or saddlebag for your motorcycle. Waterproof exteriors is a must since you will be travelling under harsh weather conditions from time to time. Carbon fibre hard shell is also another vital feature to ensure the safety of your cargo. Riding a motorbike will apply pressure to your belongings due to crosswinds and speed and your bag needs to be able to protect them. An aerodynamic top, high-quality zippers and expansion pockets are also additional properties that will help you on the road. An exceptional motorcyclist’s backpack needs to meet the highest demands of the harsh conditions you will encounter and provide you with all the benefits of a versatile backpack.

Motorcycle Clothing

A proper protective gear is a must for any biker whether you are just going to the grocery store or travelling to another state. Accidents can and will happen at any given time and you should be ready in advance to prevent any serious injuries or fatalities. They are also essential for your comfort and well-being because long bike rides take a toll on the rider. Another serious problem for bikers is that they are vulnerable against rapid chilling that results in loss of reflexes which leads to hypothermia. Hypothermia causes riders to lose their ability to concentrate and think clearly. It is a very dangerous situation considering they will need reflexes to respond to the traffic.

Gloves: Motorcycle gloves need to protect the rider’s hands, keep them comfortable and functional at all times. The most common gloves preferred by bikers are leather gloves which protect hands from blisters and harsh weather conditions such as the wind, sun and cold. In the event of a possible fall or an accident, gloves will also protect your hands from cuts and bruises. Biker gloves must be comfortable enough to allow operating your bike and preferably offer knuckle protection.

Boots: Bikers need to wear sturdy, durable boots in order to prevent foot injuries in case you fall of your motorcycle. They also help protect your feet from the cold and wet weather. Same as gloves you need to make sure your boots are comfortable enough to let you operate your motorcycle. They are usually made of leather, rubber or plastic.

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Jackets: Jackets are one of the most important protective gear for bikers. Motorcyclists can become quickly dehydrated when they are exposed to the wind on their skin. There is also a significant difference in the temperature when you ride a motorcycle. Experts say bikers riding at 40-50 miles per hour experience temperature 15-20C lower, almost to the point of freezing sometimes. Proper motorcycle jackets protect the rider from dehydration, cold and provide comfort. Regardless of the weather, you should always put on your jacket when you ride your motorcycle.

Armoured Trousers: Armoured trousers are specifically designed to protect you when riding and also provide comfort. As most of the other protective clothing, leather is the preferred choice which offers the best overall performance when it comes to protection and comfort. You can also add kevlar lining or armour to certain impact points to prevent injuries.

Head Camera: In the last few years, the technology has advanced to the point that a high quality, HD head camera is more affordable than ever. There are a number of reasons why you need a head camera when riding your bike. First of all, almost all motorcyclists like to capture their ride. To have your best moments at your disposal to edit, upload or share with your friends anytime is great. You can capture your ride from various angles and record every single second. Also in the case of an accident, you will have unequivocal evidence that can be reviewed by insurance companies and authorities to determine the outcome. Motorcycle accidents are very common due to distracted car drivers and you will have indisputable evidence to prove your innocence. Recording the footage of your own ride is perfectly legal too.

GPS Tracking Device: If you own a motorcycle and like to keep owning it, a GPS tracking device is the best way to ensure the highest level of protection. Investing in a tracking device will give you a piece of mind and additional security for your bike. GPS trackers also come with many benefits such as lowering your insurance premiums, improving your maintenance cycles and providing safety. You will have access to a cloud-based tracking software which allows you to track your motorcycle in real-time 24/7. Even if your bike is stolen, you can easily locate its position and alert authorities to recover it safe and sound. It is a small investment for such a tremendous security measure.

Tracking Time With GPS Tracking Solutions 8 years ago

Originally developed and used by the US military, GPS has grown into a widely used technical tool that is used many areas such as navigation, vehicle tracking and time tracking. GPS satellite system provides accurate locations with the use orbiting satellites. GPS tracking devices pick up the transmitted signals and calculate the distance and time according to the data provided by the satellites. GPS trackers are extremely accurate and quick to provide real-time location thanks to this advanced technology.

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These satellite systems also transmit accurate time information other than providing location info. GPS tracking units receive these signals and calculate time by taking into consideration of the time zone and location of the satellite. This time information is essential to keep accurate timelines everywhere in the world. In addition to delivering real-time location to tracking devices, GPS provides another crucial information, time. Knowledge of precise time is essential for certain businesses. Companies used to spend massive amounts of money to keep track of time for their businesses. With GPS being open to public use; base stations, data networks, financial markets and many more facilities started using it to keep everything coordinated. GPS satellites have atomic clocks embedded in them and they transmit precise time information through the GPS signals. Financial companies, power distribution networks and almost all of the communication systems depend on exact timing and synchronisation to be effective. With timing clocks being so expensive, the free accessibility of GPS time has helped companies save lots of money all over the world. With the help GPS satellite systems broadcasting time info for free, major advancements were made in its capability.

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Multiple networks, financial companies, businesses that rely on wireless connection all improved thanks to this technology. It allows radio signals arrive at receivers at the same time. Which also enables financial markets to resolve any trade disputes as there’s a universal timestamp info in the transactions.

Many businesses have implemented GPS tracking devices in order to synchronise their operations such as power plants and substations. Time-based synchronisation allows certain companies to easily locate errors in their system. Normally, electrical companies conduct a visual inspection to identify the source of blackouts but GPS time tracker provides detailed information about the timing and location of the electrical problem on the grid.

GPS time tracking can be used for many other industries around the world. Alternatives for GPS are either very expensive or inaccurate compared to it. The time data provided by the GPS is free, more accurate and invaluable for synchronisation control.

The modern healthcare industry is another business that heavily relies on time tracking. The need for recording and tracking time-sensitive equipment in the field of medicine grows every day. Advancements in GPS satellite systems have made time information easier to access for medical facilities as well. One of the most important benefits of GPS in the field medicine is that it allows hospitals to function properly and prevent making disastrous timing errors.

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Another feature about time GPS fleet tracking systems provides is that you can keep track of your employees in real-time. Fleet drivers, sales teams, delivery companies all rely on scheduled timetables and keeping track of time is vital for their business. Fleet drivers and sales teams usually have the freedom to complete a job whenever they want thus making inefficient use of their work time. Monitoring these employees via GPS tracking platform allows managers to make the necessary changes or send alerts to their employees. This will encourage drivers to act more responsibly and use their time more efficiently on the job.

As you can see tracking time is invaluable for many businesses and industries all over the world and GPS tracking solutions provide the most accurate and inexpensive time tracking.

Fastest approach to saving Energy 8 years ago

If you're the reliable individual for management of a number of automobiles, you will likely often be extremely burned out a whole lot due to the good price included. You will probably find your own searching for some tips to eliminate factors as well as develop both your production, along with your bottom line. You'll be able to cease trying to find less complicated approaches to achieve this without having your automobile fleet’s good quality. Rewire Monitoring Programs offer you fleet administrators a means to take shortcuts while keeping vehicle fleet superior. Keeping tabs on both your automobiles and drivers’ overall performance has become straightforward working with superior GPS tracker equipment.

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Boosting your small business workers’ work productivity and lowering petrol cost is 2 things which can be essential to all fleet administrators and business owners. One of several least complicated method it is using a Gps Device car checking option providing you with details. The rising expense of energy and gasoline is making it important for fleet professionals and motor vehicle owners to find different ways to reduce fuel intake of their cars and trucks. GPS following programs include some very nice and valuable administration capabilities, among the these is definitely the product that will let you decrease energy consumption, and improve your fleet's energy overall performance. Most fleet professionals will show you quickly immediately after adding this motor vehicle checking program, they began to see a decrease in their vehicles’ total petrol usage prices.

The information accumulated by means of Gps Navigation tracking base enable you to optimise fleet performance with diminished merchandise shipping and delivery times while restoring customer support continually. Fleet tracking enable you to supply in the vicinity of authentic Which means the nearest vehicles could be re-routed accordingly to cut back reply instances, which will match your consumers in the long run. By accumulating information around the regularity of puts a stop to and put it off points in the motor vehicles, now businesses know scheduled delivery are manufactured promptly and maintaining clients satisfied and reducing energy resource charges.

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The usage of a business GPS locating product increases the business the ability to automatically and conveniently establish specific motor vehicle destinations and idle instances of each and every automobile. This generated hands-on alternatives for much faster customer support, less difficult relief and dropped petrol bills. Navigation Systems Tracking devices offer intelligent warns for your cars necessitating routine maintenance or particular occasions. Fleet operators can specify usage driven for exhaust and engine oil adjustments, car fine-tuning, and scheduled motor unit core services work. This essentially reduces the requirement for manual documentation and checking and minimises upkeep prices for your motor vehicles.

Despite having reduced petrol expenses trending countrywide, fuel will always be a price for fleets that should be saved in verify. You will need to confine idling even though lowering exceeding the speed limit, improve routing, and in some cases wipe out follow-up using corporation automobiles to keep gas expenses all the way down. Equipment car rental fleets commonly see large fuel usage due to extreme engine idle time while in devices shipping. Vehicle GPS tracker can help watch idle time as a result of stories and automated signals. Send notifications to vehicle drivers and fleet professionals when cars meet or exceed a sufficient patience of lazy time and energy to actively avert pointless excessive gas fees.

Once you put in an Automobile Tracking Product, it's easy to see that you will be decreasing and managing your charges and you're simply The power is going to be yours to get rid of a large amount of lost capital that is certainly used every year on energy resource. Additionally to this, Fleet Tracking will immediately warn with signals when drivers enter in and leave their occupation site by generating a geo- fence sector. You will additionally get cautious when autos utilised on off hours and making sure that your organisation sources stay restricted to business associated chores.

Gps Device tracking system: Decrease risky driving patterns 8 years ago

Having To Pay traffic tickets is not any company owner’s thought of a fun time and neither is getting a negative reputation because of the fleets’ perilous driving behaviors. As more people enter the highway ever 12 months there exists much more need to be aware, retain comfortable, and avoid extreme driving. It merely requires a single car accident to wreck a lot of lives. With information and facts given by Gps Navigation tracking system units you're able to do your behalf to discourage hostile driving a motor vehicle, even when only by checking your very own fleet drivers.

Gps System system The Gps tracker system Aggressive Driving record is among the most critical instruments that fleet supervisors can make use of. By examining in on things such as unexpected increases or decreases in speed you can assist quit hazardous patterns like speeding. The report receives so thorough you happen to be able to consider whether your truck drivers are quickly moving usually in large traffic parts, on highway onramps, or simply down a straightforward town avenue.

Even as described, notifications are also the best way to make use of Navigation tracker products for stopping intense traveling. Speed notifications will be the most reasonable notification for monitoring the everyday driving data of your respective drivers. Just set up a typical speed you will not would like your drivers to exceed and the speed alert will be sending out a notice when that speed is exceeded. It's Actually as basic as that to determine if your drivers are obeying traffic laws and regulations.

You will possibly not, normally, be aware that what your drivers are performing while travelling unless of course you have It might appear Aggressive driving is often a risky situation and if you wish to take your drivers away from the mixture, consider Gps Navigation tracker devices.

Dispatching is definitely supposed to be on level because of their guidelines, but from time to time town structure can ostensibly appear inside of a matter of hours, leading to an excuse for an instant regarding- course. With Gps Device tracking the Superior Redirecting selection enables us to quickly up-date the organized route producing control much easier.

Revenue savings areas of GPS vehicle tracking come up once the technology is utilized to provide the best affected person attention probable whilst decreasing overhead costs, including gasoline, vehicle upkeep, and acquiring cheaper insurance costs. Conserving money on the little things can also add up and throw open the potential for having more resources for having to pay.

How To Boost Fleet Security and Fuel Management with GPS Tracking 8 years ago

Have you heard of GPS tracking systems? It seems like a silly question for all the individuals who have been part of the fleet management system. An adequate GPS tracker has a lot to offer in terms of reducing insurance cost, correcting actual performance of the drivers and a lot more. Here in our short article, we would like to elaborate on using GPS tracking for gaining better fleet security and fuel management. Increasing Fleet Security!

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The popularity of GPS tracking devices has increased a lot in recent times. With this device, it really becomes possible to protect people as well as your vehicle. When you have the tracking device, it becomes possible to enjoy peace of mind as you know your fleet vehicles are continuously monitored. A GPS tracker will assist in monitoring the speed and location of your vehicle in quick time. You can also correct unacceptable behavior of the drivers before it results in some troubling situation. With the device, you can recover the stolen device in quick time, reduce unauthorized use of vehicle, control unsafe driving habits of the driver and find out the use of a vehicle in non-working hours. Overall, the fleet security is increased a great deal with the GPS tracker. Even when the driver is aware of the device, he or she will try level best to provide best services to the client. Still, if you need a reason to opt for GPS tracking device, you must check out fuel management through GPS tracking details quickly.

Increase Fuel Management! In today’s modern world we are required to make special efforts in order to gain best fuel management. Energy crises have been rising every day and fuel has definitely turned into the priciest expenditure for every fleet management organization.

Fuel is not only hard to obtain but the time has arrived to use GPS tracking device in order to save these crucial forms of energy. When you get the right tracking system, most of your worries regarding fuel management are released with ease. GPS tracking device will definitely act as one perfect solution for your concerns regarding fuel usage, management of fleets, maintenance and lot more. With the tracking system, it becomes possible to boost the fuel efficiency or identify the exact ways of right fleet management. Once as a fleet manager you are able to discover the cracks from where fuel is leaking, you can step in and take some important decision to reduce the fuel usage. Stuff like over-speeding could be controlled which has a direct connection with excessive fuel consumption.

Conclusion It would be bit foolish to neglect the importance of quality GPS tracking system when you are running fleet management business. There is a lot to gain out of the tracking devices and you can easily boost the productivity of your vehicle without investing huge efforts. Just don’t miss the golden opportunity and buy an adequate GPS tracking system to ensure increased fleet security and fuel management.